Cork, Inc.


Hataraki Man


Hiroko Matsukata is single and 28 years old. She’s also an editor of the weekly magazine, JIDAI. Hiroko battles day and night to create a better magazine while being pulled around by her boss and coworkers’ antics. Forgetting to eat and sleep, no time for significant others, worrying dilemmas, bumping into someone… Even then, Hiroko becomes a “Hataraki Man,” a so-called “Working Man”, at the workplace and as she works on interviews, in order to produce her best work. Man or woman, it doesn’t matter to people who work hard. This manga is about how Hiroko and the people around her deal with the themes, “What is work?” and “What does it mean to work?” British magazine The Times covered the manga in an article discussing whether Hataraki Man would change the societal inequality between men and women in Japan.

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