Cork, Inc.



a man

"The husband I loved so dearly was a completely different man."
Hirano Keiichiro's new masterpiece, two years after At the end of the matinee! Kido, a lawyer, is contacted by Rie, a former client, regarding the mysterious case of "A man." Rie, who lives in Miyazaki prefecture, divorced her husband after losing their 2 year old second-born son to a brain tumor. With her son, she moves back to her hometown for the first time in 14 years. She has her second marriage with Daisuke, and live happily together as a four-person family with their newborn daughter. All in a flash, Daisuke dies in a car accident. The family, enshrouded in sadness, learns the shocking truth that Daisuke was not the man they thought he was. The only one Rie could count on for help was Kido, the lawyer. Why do people have the capacity to love? Can people find love despite the deep scars of their childhood? As she investigates Daisuke's life, Rie begins to remember the men who changed their lives in the past. This novel is a literary work that explores the truth of our world, and the source of human existence.

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